The Ultimate List of Mass Shootings in the US

10 people died, along with a police officer, after a mass-fire on a supermarket in Boulder in Colorado state on Monday. The list of mass shootings in the US is getting long.

The police provided no direct information about the latest shooting that took place in the week. This is after the shooting and murder of 8 people in the state of Georgia, mostly 6 Asian women.

Mass Shootings in the US

Mass shootings include a variety of gun casualties. There is no widely accepted definition and exact inclusion criteria are contested. One meaning is the act of public gun violence—when a gunman is killed at least four people except gang shootings, family violence or criminal attacks funded by a group. One analysis found that between 1966 and 2012 almost one-third of the world’s public mass shootings happened in the US (90 out of 292 events). The Washington Post reported 163 mass shootings during 1967 and June 2019, using a general pattern.

Some reports show that there were more mass shootings by the United States than any other country. Hunters usually die either subsequently by suicide, or by cops or bystanders are either detained or shot. However, between 2000 and 2016 mass firefights represented less than 0.2% of all mass shootings in the U.S.

List of Mass Shootings in the US

A list of the deadliest mass fire in the 50-year history of modern America is given here. There is no inclusion of suicides, gang-related shootings and family killings. “Deadliest” contains 10 or more deaths attacks. Totals of deadly accident for shooters are not included.

As there is no clear definition of the mass shootings or data system, the list is mostly due to media coverage and cannot be indicative or full of all mass shootings.

22-Mar-202110 Killed

10 people are killed by a shooter at Boulder, Colorado, a shop for groceries. Ahmad al-Aliwi alissa, 21, has been detained and subsequently charged, in the light of his assault charge, with 10 first-degree charges of murder and one alleged murder assault.

3-Aug-2019 – 22 Killed

Twenty-two people in El Paso are killed in a case identified as domestic terrorism following mass shooting in a Walmart shop. Police claim they discovered a documentation anti-immigrant, which they believe is written by Patrick Crusius, 40 year old, who supports white nationalist and racist attitudes. 90 federal charges, including hate crimes, are being brought under Crusius’ charge.

31-May-2019 – 12 Killed

In Virginia Beach City Building a gunman shoots killing innocent 12 people and injuring a minimum of 4 others. After a gunfight against the officers, the gunman dies on the scene. The shooter, later named DeWayne Craddock, a 40 year old, was a licenced 15 year skilled engineer with an email of resignation that day, claiming “personal reasons” at the city’s public service office.

7-Nov-2018 – 12 Killed

In the Borderline Bar & Bar in Thousand Oaks, California, 12 people are shot dead. They’re dead. According to authorities, the shooter, Ian David Long, was shot outside the bar by an unarmed security guard and proceeded to be shot in and wounded other security staff, workers and employers. Long suicidal deaths.

27-Oct-2018 – 11 Killed

In Pittsburgh’s Squirrel Hill district, 11 people are shot dead in the Tree of Life synagogue. Robert Bowers, a 46-year-old, gives up on the building’s 3rd floor and faces federal allegations, including racist violence. At the time of medical treatment, Bowers told a Combat officer that he wanted to kill all of the Jews and that Jews would “commit mass murder to his people,” according to a court filing brought at Allegheny County.

18-May-2018 – 10 Killed

Dimitrios Pagourtzis, 17, is reportedly going into an art class and is shooting at the Santa Fe high school in Santa Fe, Texas, with a total of 8 students and 2 teachers being killed. Pagourtzis is convicted and jailed with the killing and worsening of a civil servant.

14-Feb-2018 – 17 Killed

An old student unleashes a shooting smile at the Parkland, Florida Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, killing at least 17 adults and children in this country. The court accused Nikolas Cruz of 17 attempted murder accusations.

5-Nov-2017 – 25 killed with an unborn child

In Sutherland Springs, Texas, a weapon-powered man began firing on a church building killing 25 people and an unborn child and hurting 20 others. The gunman, named as Devin Patrick Kelley by several police sources, was found dead after a short pursuit.

1-Oct-2017 – 58 Killed

Stephen Paddock, 64, of Mesquite, Nevada, in Vegas, opens shooting at the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino on a gathering of 22,000 concert guests who kill 58 persons and injure nearly 700 of them. The shooting lasts from 10 to 15 minutes, authorities claim. Officers break the hotel room of Paddock to find him dead.

12-Jun-2016 – 49 Killed

In the Orlando gay nightclub in Pulse, Omar Saddiqui Mateen, age 29, starts fire. There are at least 49 deaths and over fifty injuries. During an attempt to free the members of the hostage, police shoot and kill Mateen, who said he held at the bar.

2-Dec-2015 – 14 Killed

Syed Rizwan Farook wedding couple and Tashfeen Malik open the fire at the Inland Regional Center in San Bernardino, California, to kill 14 people in a meeting of their employees.

16-Sep-2013 – 12 Killed

In the Washington Navy Yard, shots are fired, killing 12. The gunman, named Aaron Alexis, 34, was assassinated as well.

14-Dec-2012 – 27 Killed

Newtown, Connecticut – Elementary school Sandy Hook. Before turning the weapon against him, 20-year-old Adam Lanza shot down 20 boys, six and seven-years-old, and six adults, school personnel and the faculty.

20-Jul-2012 – 12 Killed

During a screening of the latest Batman film in Aurora, Colorado, twelve people were killed and 58 were injured. James E. Holmes of 24, with a protective military outfit dressed on the head-to-toe, sets up two kind of instruments until sprayed with theatre balloons of an AR-15, a shotgun with 12 gauges and a revolver of .40-caliber.

5-Nov-2009 – 13 Killed with an unborn child

Nidal Malik Hasan kills 13 people and an unborn child and wounds 32 people during a shooting in Fort Hood, Texas. He sentences to death and convicted.

3-Apr-2009 – 13 Killed

At a shooting at the immigrant community hall in Binghamton, New York, Jiverly Wong kills 13 people and injures 4. He kills himself.

10-Mar-2009 – 10 Killed

Michael McLendon kills himself and ten in Alabama. He kills himself. His mother, grandparents, aunts and uncles were among the dead.

16-Apr-2007 – 32 Killed

Blacksburg, Virginia, Virginia. A 23-year-old gunman Seung-Hui Cho is targeting 32 people, killing an unknown number of others on campus in two places. The gunman dies by suicide.

16-Oct-1991 – 23 killed

George Hennard, 35 years of age, crashes through the walls of the Luby’s cafeteria in Killeen, Texas. Hennard shoots and kills 23 people after he leaves the truck. He dies by suicide.

18-July-1984 – 21 Killed

James Huberty, a 41-year-old, fatally shot 21 people at McDonald’s in San Ysidro, California. Police sniper kills Huberty. .