URGENT: Thalassemia patients in need of blood in Islamabad

Thalassemia patients in need of blood in Islamabad
The Thalassemia patients in Islamabad are in urgent need of blood. This has become another major emergency as corona virus cases are rising in Islamabad.
Thalassemia is a blood disorder passed down through families. The body makes an abnormal form or inadequate amount of hemoglobin. Hemoglobin is the protein in red blood cells that carries oxygen. The disorder results in destruction in large numbers of red blood cells, which leads to anemia.
The situation has worsened as the current threat of corona virus has made many people stay at home. A number of activities aren’t taking place and it includes some of the essential services too.
Read: You May Have Corona Virus, But Not Know It! http://www.fact-file.com/2020/03/25/you-may-have-corona-virus-but-not-know-it/
The Islamabad center requires 600 bottles of blood a month and currently they are only getting a handful of people. It has put the patients in a very difficult situation. This may result in an emergency situation, too.

A social media user Salman Zafar commented “I visited Thalassemia Center F-9 Islamabad for donating blood. They need 600 bottles a month and their main source are university and college students. Due to current situation they are short of blood and daily 20 people come for blood transfusion. Everyone is requested to go in any Thalassemia Centers near them and donate blood to help these children out!”
According to Program Manager Thalasemmia Federaton of Pakistan (TFP) Rehan Mujeeb, the situation needs to be taken seriously as the students and factory workers are unable to give blood in current situation. Both these segments are major blood donors. The TFP runs 58 centers across the country.
In order to connect with Pakistan Bait ul Maal, follow this link: http://www.pbm.gov.pk/contactus.html
Some of the centers are managed by Pakistan Bait ul Maal. The Islamabad center is located in F-9 sector, the Fatima Jinnah Park, at the Mehran Gate. The same center is currently facing the crisis.