These are the best credit cards in Pakistan

These are the best credit cards in Pakistan

There is an increasing demand for online banking and on-the-counter credit card utilization

These are the best credit cards in Pakistan! How much time you have purchased things free of cost? Even if you want to fulfill the demand of your loved ones and want to see happiness on their faces. Or you need to purchase something to get a smile on their faces. Money is an important part of our life when you know nothing could be purchased free of cost in this world. Having money in pocket provides mental relaxation to the people. Especially in this COVID’19 situation people were fighting to earn money and health.

In this high inflation days, people see discounts in any restaurant and shopping mall people visit. It is to purchase the things at a nominal rate with easy payment transactions. And when we are talking about the easy payment process. The 1st word comes in our mind or a product comes in our mind is the credit card.

Nowadays every bank and financial companies are providing credit card. It includes a loyalty card facility with easy payment transitions. Which credit card would be suitable in this high inflation war is the big question for people? Every person discusses with banks representatives that which card should we purchase or which we shouldn’t? So, let’s talk about the benefits and compression of few credit cards facilities of Pakistani banks.

Comparison of Credit Cards from different Banks

In Pakistan, a total of 34 banks are exist. Out of 34, how you will decide from which bank you should purchase a credit card. For this purpose many websites allow you to compare credit card benefits to purchase a card. Let’s start our comparison from the Standard Chartered Bank. This bank provide us CIP lounge access in 4 cities of Pakistan and 20 internationally. When you book tickets from SCB, they will provide free doorstep delivery services. They also send gift hampers to your doorstep. Not only this but they give you 51 days credit amount facility. And there are 5 rewards points on every transaction. And the annual charge of this bank is 8000 rupees.

The other bank is MCB where you will receive 50 rewards points, a huge discount on retailing items, and 5 % cashback facility, with 8000 annual fees. In UBL you will receive accidental insurance coverage of up to 7 million, free CIP lounge services with buffet, internet, newspaper. You can add 6 supplementary cards and pay high interest with the same annual fees. The silk bank offers you a 50% up to discount on retail shopping and 1% cashback facility and min amount payment facility. Even in emergency cases, you can request to increase your card limit. The same annual fees they are charging but the worst thing in this card is the min amount will not reflect your principal amount. The HBL bank charge 12000 rupees as an annual fee with the same CIP access, 6 supplementary cards 51 days credit limit with rewards.

After comparing these banks with each other, now you can pick and choose your bank for credit card facilities and pay retailers paper free money with mental relaxation which is the most important thing nowadays.
