These 7 Health Facts Will Blow Your Mind

You may not know but stress directly contributes to 90% of our health issues.
These 7 Health Facts Will Blow Your Mind. We all have grown up hearing “Health is Wealth”. While we might have not taken it seriously and overlooked the facts, this saying becomes more important and real in today’s time now more than ever. Fast-paced life makes it imperative to take care of one’s health to be able to function properly and be able to work round the clock. There are still many health myths that we believe are true. At times it becomes rather impossible to know which information floating on the internet is true.
Today, we bring to you the health facts that work and have amazing effects on your health.
1. Stress Directly Contributes 90% To All Health Issues
It has become quite difficult to remove stress completely from our life. The world has become very competitive, social pressures ad more to it. While takes a great toll on our emotional health, it surely destroys our physical well-being as well. Stress significantly suppresses our immune system making us more susceptible to falling ill easily. It prolongs the recovery process. One of the best ways to cope with stress is to self-engage in self-care activities that have positive effects on our body and mind.
2. Walking Bare Foot on Grass Is Great for Health
While Jimmy Choo’s sound great, the truth is having a barefoot walk on grass elevates your health far more. It forms natural acupressure on the stress points in your feet. It gives the most appropriate pressure on all the pulse points that are spread all over our feet. There is a traditional belief that walking barefoot on grass early in the morning has a very positive effect on eyesight.
3. Sleep Deprivation Is Worse Than Starvation
It is a scientific fact that we can live without food for almost two months just on body fat but a lack of sleep can be far more deadly. The longest a person can survive without sleep is a maximum of eleven days. Adverse effects on the human body can be observed in just two days. The body functions get disturbed and can make staying more awake more miserable. According to recent reports, a man passed away after not getting sleep for twelve days. Sleep puts our body on a self-healing process. We need to reboot our system just like any other machinery.
4. Laughter Is the Best Medicine
Did you know that laughter can increase the blood flow in the body by 20%? Laughter is one of the best ways to reduce stress hormones. It releases soothing chemicals in the body that eases the mind. Finding ways to keep oneself happy, increases our chances to attain better mental health. It is scientifically proven that humor is a significant component of a relaxed body.
5. Better Social Circle Can Help You in Living Longer
Man is a social animal and needs a group of people to survive and thrive. A sense of belongingness is important to eradicate the isolation from our lives. Firm support of even a few people. Having a good and supportive social circle can increase your survival rate by 50% and boost your health and longevity. Also, being in the company of like-minded people keeps one healthy by heart and mind.
6. Water Is Indeed the Wonder Element
The importance of water cannot be stressed more. This is second-grade science that our body is made of 90% of water and even mild dehydration can disrupt the delicate balance of the human body. Dehydration directly affects your mood, brain performance, and memory. According to the article published in Healthline, loss of body fluids, even 1-3%, that accounts for 0.5-2kg of body weight, can trigger dehydration and the body can suffer. It is a fact that drinking plenty of water is a Win-Win situation for the mind and the body but taking it in at the right time can maximize the benefits not to mention it as extra help when trying to lose weight or trying to enhance a better skin tone.
7. Higher Blood Pressure May Result Due to Snoring
Snoring might disturb your night’s sleep and can be irritating at times but this is mainly caused due to some blockage of your upper airways. This might be a surprising thing for people whom it does not concern. But for others, it can be life-changing. The blockage causes sleep disruptions and as discussed earlier; disturbed sleep patterns can have a devastating impact on your body leading to serious health issues like an increased chance of auto-immune disease.
Bottom Line
Sometimes we fail to realize how important subtle changes in lifestyle can be. Even a humble change can take a long way. For instance, Exercise can make a big change in lifestyle.
Most often simple things can do wonders for us. Leading a healthy life is of utmost importance to keep your mental and physical state in the correct balance with each other’s, even though they are easier said than done. Staying consistent and taking one step at a time can help while adding healthy changes to your routine.