Meet the heroic lady doctors of Peshawar who risk their lives to protect others

Meet the heroic lady doctors of Peshawar who risk their lives to protect others

Peshawar who risk their lives to protect

Heroic lady doctors of Peshawar risking lives to protect others. The doctors around the world are saving lives of thousands of people. They are risking their own lives to protect the mankind from one of the greatest threats in its existence.

Globally, millions of doctors are protecting the lives through serving the high risk communities in hospitals, clinics and medical centers.

The same is the case in Pakistan where thousands of doctors are going to hospitals to treat the corona virus patients. Many young doctors are volunteering to fight against the corona virus across the country.

The total cases of corona virus in Pakistan are over 4000 with more than 50 deaths.

Still, the enthusiasm of our doctors is visible in KP’s health minister’s tweet below:

Yet, a rarely interesting case is happening in Peshawar. A number of female doctors are back in field. Some reports suggest that the house wives are also back to the profession to help their people.


A noted senior doctor, Dr. Abdul Qadir Soomro, passed away in Karachi on Monday. The doctor has been one of the front men against corona virus in Pakistan.

The story of Dr. Fakhar-ul-Islam is not strange. He has two daughters; both are doctors. He knows the risk involved as he is a doctor himself. Yet, he is prepared to take the risk to protect the nation.

“My feelings of gratitude to Allah for choosing my daughters for the services of His creature overcome my concerns,” quotes a social media user from Dr. Fakhar.

Heroic lady doctors of Peshawar risking lives to protect others.

The nation has all its gratitude for this great father. The nation is indebted to you Dr. Fakhar.

Syed Waqas

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