Sindh Govt seeks Army help to deal with coronavirus disease

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KARACHI:  Sindh Govt In the wake of prevailing situation of increasing number of COVID-19 cases in the province, the Sindh government on Saturday sought Pakistan Army’s help to deal with the deadly virus, reported by Private TV Channel.

In a letter to the Ministry of Interior, the Sindh government requested to deploy armed forces in aid to civil power in the province under Article 245 of the constitution.

Earlier in the day, Sindh government had decided to impose a province-wide lockdown over rising tally of coronavirus cases in the province.

According to sources privy to details, Chief Minister Sindh Syed Murad Ali Shah had took the military leadership into confidence over the decision to lockdown the province.

 “The announcement in this regard will be made on Sunday,” they had said. Detailing the planned curbs on movement, the sources had said unnecessary outings and bringing vehicles on roads will be barred during the lockdown.

However, medical stores and grocery shops will remain open during the restriction period. Talking to media, Sindh Information Minister Nasir Hussain Shah had said that they had no desire for the lockdown however, tough decisions needed to be taken amid rising concerns over increasing tally of the virus in the province.

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