Kamyab Jawan Programme announces support for Digital Postal Franchises

About 6000 applications are in finalization regarding opening of such franchises
Kamyab Jawan Programme announces support for Digital Postal Franchises. Muhammad Usman Dar, Special Assistant to PM on Youth Affairs has said that Prime Minister’s Kamyab Jawan Programme will provide loans to aspiring youth for opening Digital Postal Franchises across Pakistan. SAPM said this during a meeting with Federal Minister for Communications Mr. Murad Saeed here at Islamabad today.
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Moreover, Mr Murad Saeed said that thousands of applications for opening up Digital Postal Franchises are under consideration at his Ministry at the moment.
How many applications?
He further says that about 6000 applications are finalizing regarding opening of such franchises. He adds that about 5000 more individuals are going to train for establishing and running Digital Postal Franchises. Their cases can be in consideration for provision of micro loans under PM Kamyab Jawan Programme.
Further, Mr Usman Dar said loans up-to Rs 1 Million can be provided on personal guarantee of the borrower with low markup rate of 3 % only. Mr. Dar says that those who intend to take these loans should prepare and share the proposal for getting loans. This applies to all applicants for these franchises and submission with his office should be at the earliest possible.
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“All such individuals will require to apply for getting loans after invitation of applications for Phase-II of PM Kamyab Jawan Programme in the month of August 2020. Almost all banks are willing to be part of our programme and we have also included Islamic Banking in Phase-II of the programme”, said Mr. Dar. The meeting was also attended by D.G Pakistan Post Mr. Akhlaq Ahmed and other senior government officials.
Kudos to Kamyab Jawan Programme!
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