Sharon Stone Breast Surgery: 5 Hollywood Actresses to Go Under the Knife

Physical appearance in Hollywood is very important that many Hollywood actresses go under the knife. The pout and dense lips, the brightening shine of the hair, the shapely or muscular character – matter very much. It’s not all about famous people who use their look to get roles, although that is part of it.
When they fall off bridges or shoot multiple objects on action scenes, it’s crucial to be physically fit. Hollywood is an extremely competitive environment, so every actor must be their best selves consistently. You have to look clever, be trendy, and, above all, look goddamn decent to be at the top of all lists.
Sharon Stone Breast Surgery
Without her permission, Sharon Stone’s surgeon improved her breast size. Many people do not know that Sharon Stone had breast Cancer.
Breast Cancer and Hollywood have a long connection. The star of the ‘Basic Instinct’ operated to remove pituitary tumours from her body in 2001, but she found she had “absolute cup-size bigger breasts” than her previous surgeon because the surgeon considered that it suited better for her.

She explained to the Times Newspaper: “Once I was unbandaged, I found out that I had bigger breasts of a full cup size which he told me ‘get better in your hip size.’ Without my understanding or agreement, he had transformed my body… With bigger, stronger breasts, he figured I’d look better.”
Meanwhile, during her seven years recovering from a stroke in 2001, Sharon previously acknowledged that she lost her “radiance.”
“My splendour was gone. She confessed. It’s not that beautiful as you’re glowing. It is an illumination, magnetism and a presence…
“Yes, fitness, wellness and youth are all about it. It’s also from the trust. And when you’re in this business, they’re starting to tell you that you no longer have it, and you start to believe it.”
Cancer in Hollywood actresses is common. Many celebrities feel increased pressure, particularly as they age, to look their best. The people who look new and brilliant in the country of stars are favoured while those who succumb to wrinkles and sticks are discarded. This is the sad fact many stars are confronted with. Some celebrities want to change their appearance, old age or not. Another reality is.
5 Hollywood actresses who went under the knife
Some people resort to plastic intervention to remove an unintended scar, pop their eyes or repair a pudgy nose. And several have had great success with service, as shown by their after-nip and tuck appearances!
Here are 5 Hollywood actresses to go under the knife:
1. Megan Fox
Megan Fox can only be one of Hollywood’s sexiest, most charming, and, he, the foxiest ladies. Everyone, man or woman, wants her or wants to be her from her flawless pouty lips to her luscious eyes and curvy body Naturally, Megan had a little support – and also a decent amount of assistance. The way Megan looked before her operation was nothing wrong, but there was also nothing wrong with receiving some help.

Many people would know that many of her pictures often look different at different times. And her hair and maquillage are not only made in one way but also supporting. We can see that her nose is more poignant and shorter, her lips a little more full and her chest wider than it was. Her whole face looks different, in reality. Yep, Megan Fox has done some work, and she looks much superior to her previous image.
2. Ashley Tisdale
Procedures of rhinoplasties seem very common for famous people. After all, a nose will dramatically alter your face. Ashley Tisdale is another actress who has taken on the role but not for beauty reasons – “I always knew growing up I had a diverted, breathing problem septum on the right side of my nose. The older I have, the worse it has. And the doctor told me that the septum had deviated by 80% and I had two minor fractures on my nose.” I had to check it out.

Tisdale confided that before this operation she was really afraid, and the night before she couldn’t sleep. During the 5-hour treatment, Tisdale’s mother was with her all the while.
3. Tara Reid
The US actress Tara Reid is only one of many actresses under the knife. Reid had a breast rise but the result was not sufficient. One treatment, she says, was “absolutely slain” and made her look worse than before.

But even though surgery left her traumas and made her body weaker than ever, the actress still doesn’t guarantee that she won’t go under the knife for the future – “I can’t say I’m never going to have any more surgery, because I don’t know-how in a few years I’ll feel. I’m glad about my body right now, though.”
4. Ashlee Simpson
Ashlee Simpson is most famous for being a pop singer and songwriter, but also because in Jessica Simpson she has a lively, stunning older sister. Pete Wentz of the band Fall Out Boy also dated and married Ashlee. They had a great deal of coverage in the media in their relationship and eventual divorce. But there is another part of Ashlee’s life that led to media attention, her plastic operation decision.

Ashlee never backed away from her option of going under her knife. The process is so good that many people cannot even recognise it if they compare images! Ashlee had a complete nose job to fix a septum that made it difficult to breathe. She also speaks about how plastic intervention was a “special decision” for her and how such surgeries should be performed only for yourself and not for someone else.
5. Scarlett Johansson
There’s one that could shock many people here. Scarlett Johansson allegedly did some work on the curvy and sexy action hero. We know, it’s difficult to believe. This buxom beauty seems to be a gift from the gods with full lips, flawless curves and lovely eyes. How does she need plastic surgical treatment?

The surgeons seemed to have a different view from the gods. It looks like her nose required a little bit of work to pull her look. Her nose’s sides have shrunk and the end is twisted up, complementing the rest of her face perfectly. Who could be more stunning, this leading lady knew? Her doctors and surgeons were super-qualified.
Wrapping Up
Of course, plastic surgery does not go wrong until it gets out of its hand. When a person’s confidence is enhanced by going under the knife, he can certainly do so. However, some celebrities are unsafe and do not admit to plastic surgery. They tell their beauty is natural, even though it’s not.