Four Top Tips When Choosing a Lawyer to Represent You

Four Top Tips When Choosing a Lawyer to Represent You

If you find yourself in a situation where you have either been accused of committing some form of wrongdoing, or more distressingly, you have been the victim of malpractice, excessive force, or some other incident, then you need to find a reputable and renowned law firm to help you.

With this in mind and either as a guide for right now, or in the future should such a situation occur, continue reading for four top tips when choosing a lawyer to represent you.

1.   Look for Personal & Professional Confidence

In your personal life, you may well shudder at the thought of only inviting confident and outspoken people into your world, but when it comes to choosing the right lawyer, then confidence is everything.

Book an initial meeting and have a face-to-face appointment with all prospective lawyers, paying particular attention to how confident the firm and indeed, the individual lawyer, seem when discussing and outlining the case.

Remember, if your case is taken to court, then you’ll need a lawyer to fulfil your ultimate aim and to communicate your point across to the judge and indeed, the prosecution.

2.   Make Sure the Lawyer is Experienced in the Specific Field

You may well have heard of a law firm, or indeed individual practicing lawyer, who comes highly recommended by friends or members of your family and having met them face-to-face yourself, you’re impressed by their approachability and professionalism in equal measure.

However, say, for example, you’re looking to bring an excessive force lawsuit against a police officer, you’ll need to ensure that the firm you work with have a great deal of experience with law enforcement.

3.   Find Out Everything You Can About The Fees

Unless you’re in the incredibly fortunate position of money being of no object, you’ll also need to find out, in clear and honest detail, how your lawyer will need to be paid and of course, how much you’ll have to pay them.

In the vast majority of cases, lawyers are paid on an hourly basis and of course, a lawyer’s location and experience will determine the variation on the standard.

However, if you’re deliberately approaching a lawyer or firm with an excellent and almost infamous reputation, then you could be looking at over a thousand dollars an hour.  In certain cases, a standard, flat-rate fee is often offered as an alternative.

4.   Reviews

The fourth and final main consideration for anyone looking to hire an established and prestigious lawyer is to get reviews on them, either through the company website or by looking at official client reviews on social media platforms too.

As important as the company website is to establish the quality and experience of the firm, you should also ask around among friends, family members, or even neighbors, who have had positive outcomes with the same firm.

Finally, when you’re fairly certain of your choice, never be embarrassed to ask the lawyer directly for evidence of happy customers and positive client testimonials.

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