Does wearing masks protect against corona virus?

Does wearing masks protect against corona virus?

A huge controversy exists on whether wearing masks can prevent acquiring the corona virus.

There exist contradictory claims for and against the protection through wearing of masks

Does wearing masks protect against corona virus? This question has been coming up since the outbreak of corona virus. The discussion began globally after the virus spread from Wuhan in China to other part of the world.

The initial studies did prove the benefits of wearing masks on face as they can protect from the spread of virus. However, the later claims show that the masks did not help in containing the spread of virus.

This discussion had a bad impact on the perception of general public. A number of people chose not to wear masks against the corona virus. As a result, the virus has spread greatly across the country.

Today, the WHO has given a clear stance on the issue. It is saying masks should be worn in public where social distancing is not possible to help stop the spread of corona virus.

So, a clear understanding exists that there is a correlation between wearing masks and less number of cases. The masks can be helpful in reducing the chances of acquiring corona virus.

Here is the advice from World Health Organization on When and how to use masks?

It is suggested the masks may be worn whenever someone is going outside the usual place or environment. It can be one’s home or office. Yet, it should be worn if there is any visitor coming from outside.

In simple terms, it should be worn if there is someone coming closer to you in any environment. The minimum distance is said to be 6 ft. This can be helpful as even if the person coming across is corona virus positive, they can still not harm you as long as you are wearing a mask.

There is only 5% chance of corona virus if someone is wearing a mask. However, the same increases exponentially when there is no mask. The chances of acquiring infection reaches 90% if you are not wearing a mask.

To the question: Does wearing masks protect against corona virus? The answer is BIG YES!


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