Dear Pakistanis! The time for ‘Ghabrana’ has come

Dear Pakistanis! The time for ‘Ghabrana’ has come

I have been telling you that there is no need to worry until now, but I have myself started ghabrana due to the current situation

If you even had smallest sense of responsibility, you could simply go to Nathiagali and relax for a few days like me

Dear Pakistanis The time for ‘Ghabrana’ has come. And of course, it is all your fault. You are so pathetic people that you cannot stay home for a few days. And then those aunties. Alas! they cannot stay home during an Eid when we were dealing with the plane crash. How could you not understand my feelings that you should stay home to avoid corona virus.

Look at me. I have also started wearing mask on my face. Although, I dislike it so much. I was not wearing it earlier but Bushra told me that I am the Prime Minister of Pakistan. I realized then and started wearing it. You know I forget at times that I am the Prime Minister of this country. Actually, you would also forget if you had been in my place. Indeed, I wasn’t expecting that they will finally give me a chance.

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Earlier in April, I spoke to my boss. I told him that we need to impose lock down. He informed me that he has already placed orders. In fact, his officers had already imposed the lock down against my wishes. But, that’s not an issue. I am the one who makes decisions. Though, they aren’t implemented.

Don’t you see how prophetic I am? I had told before corona that peace is in the grave alone.

You know when I was selected in the cricket team, I had more powers. I could make all the choices, further select players on my own and go for any winning breeze. But, the times have changed. It’s not the same anymore. And I have no power in the current selection. Sorry, I forgot; the election.

Dear Pakistanis! The time for ‘Ghabrana’ has come. It is the right time that you start ‘Ghabrana” and take appropriate measures. We are left with limited options now. The current rate of contracting virus is 24%. Do you know how much it means? It makes up almost 50 million people or roughly 52,800,000 people, if it continues at the same pace. That means if we take 1% of it to be severe cases, it makes up 5 lac people. However, we have only 751 ventilators available for Covid-19 patients.

I was taking it a simple flu. Donny also takes it as a simple flu. He told me that he is doing the same in America. He will not implement any lock down, whatsoever. Look, if Americans can do this, why not us? I know you will make a joke of it. Americans also make jokes on their greatest leader. But, who cares?

Do you know what is smart lock down? It is actually for smart people who will lock themselves down to protect themselves.

Do you remember my statements? I had said that the hot weather will kill it. Now, is it my fault that even the hot weather isn’t killing it. I heard in a cartoon series that hot weather can kill viruses.

Then, we tried to implement the smart lock down. Do you know what it is? It is actually for smart people who will lock themselves down to protect themselves. I thought you were all smart to understand this. But, again you failed. You are all a bunch of fools. This is the reason that my smart lock down has failed.

Remember, Pakistan’s economy was growing super fast. In one year, we had changed the entire paradigm of Pakistani economy. It was such an approach where people would have seen heavens in the worldly life. But, this corona has brought such a dent. I’m hearing that we will have negative growth. That means we will have no money for development for next few years. So, it does support my stance that

Don’t you see how prophetic I am? I had told before corona that peace is in the grave alone. Now, everyone is saying the same. They want to die instead of living this pathetic life. I forgot to put it in our election manifesto but I’ll surely put it the next time.

And then they say that I take U-Turns. I may have taken many but I stand to my point when it comes to opposition parties in Pakistan. I keep arresting the leaders of political parties as I said earlier that I will not leave them. Although, that is the only promise not broken and where I have not taken a U-Turn. But, still, shouldn’t it bring some appreciation. After all, I am doing some work for this country.

I had said that the hot weather will kill it. Now, is it my fault that even the hot weather isn’t killing it.

But, for now, please try to understand. The water is already going above our head and we cannot fight the corona virus. Please try to stay home and protect yourself.

This is just a piece of Satire for our readers. Don’t laugh alone.


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Syed Waqas

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