Abduction of SECP official shocks Pakistanis and international community

Abduction of SECP official shocks Pakistanis and international community

It is unclear if there is any role of Mr. Gondal is whistle-blowing against a former Pakistan Army General

Sajid Gondal serves as Joint Director in Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan

Abduction of SECP official shocks Pakistanis and international community. The senior SECP official goes missing in Islamabad raising fears of abduction. Mr. Gondal has been overseeing the media department of Security and Exchange Commission of Pakistan for years. He has also worked in the media industry formerly. As a former journalist and a current government official, the case appears to be high handedness of some strong quarters in the country.

Mr. Gondal’s car was found on a roadside, parked next to National Agricultural Research Council (NARC). His family has been unable to contact him as per various news reports.

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Mr. Gondal visited his own farmhouse in the ouskirts of Islamabad on Thursday evening. Later, he moved out but could not reach home.

The police claims that they could not find any fingerprints due to heavy rain. The police has not officially registered any case also.

The abduction has raised severe concern from all quarters, nationally and internationally. The

Former Senator and PPP leader Farhatullah Babar shared his apprehensions on his timeline. He states, “Perception growing that kidnapping linked to report about Lt Gen Asim Bajwa.” A report was published in an international news site last week sharing assets details of Lt. General Asim Bajwa.


Several journalists, celebrities, social media and political activists came out in support of Mr. Gondal. They all demand immediate release of the SECP official.

International Reaction

Amnesty International South Asia also came up with an official tweet. They ask the authorities to immediately establish the whereabouts of a former journalist.


It is unclear if there is any role of Mr. Gondal is whistle-blowing against a former Pakistan Army General. However, FactFocus did publish a statement saying that the publication has only established contact with Mr. Gondal of 1st September.


It also alleges that Mr. Gondal has become a victim of enforced disappearance. “#SajidGondal, an official of the media department of Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP), has become a victim of enforced disappearance in Islamabad, Pakistan last night. It should be noted that Sajid has never been a source of information for Fact Focus,” says the statement.


The abduction brings into light the high handedness of those who definitely consider themselves above the law.

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