A Profile of Aiming Change for Tomorrow

A Profile of Aiming Change for Tomorrow

ACT is a registered Pakistani NGO working since 2012.

A Profile of Aiming Change for Tomorrow. Aiming Change for Tomorrow (ACT) primarily empowers down trodden communities of proactive citizens engaged in self• development with the support of and working together with, government institutions and the rest of civil society. Established in March 2012, ACT is an ends-oriented, information-intensive and knowledge-based organization that strives to make consistent efforts to create a new relationship between the citizen (esp. children, youth, women) and the state, based on shared rights and responsibilities. Social protection, women empowerment, youth engagement and advocacy at policy and implementation levels has been its core programme agenda. The vision of ACT is ‘a tomorrow where everyone has opportunities to prosper’.

ACT has an organizational culture that strongly believes in the importance of keeping abreast of new developments, keeping channels of communication open, keeping information systems fluid, and managing knowledge in such a way that change can be easily incorporated into structure and processes as and when it becomes necessary. It employs participatory action research methodologies to support a permanent learning process. The methodologies employed are consultative, participatory, and treat on-going social and managerial processes as learning experiences. The operational strategy of ACT has been based on the following core values such that ultimately positive change is brought in the society.

• Rights based Approach
• Empowerment
• Non discrimination
• Transparency
• Collaboration & Partnerships
• Innovations
• Gender sensitivity

Different Programs of ACT

ACT perceives social mobilization and capacity building as a strategy as well as an objective to create, develop and preserve social capital in Pakistan. ACT has created a critical mass of social capital in its partner districts of all four provinces, AJ&K and Gilgit Baltistan (GB). With the help of indigenously designed models (e.g. localized version of SASA), social impact networks and public• private partnerships, ACT creates an enabling environment for citizen engagement and mobilization at the grass roots level. A large number of community led engagement forums including volunteer groups, local community networks, village and neighborhood based citizen (esp. female youth) groups, as well as civil society organizations including local press clubs and bar associations have been formed and capacitated.

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Local and provincial government state functionaries have also been taken on board and provided with necessary technical and institutional support to embrace community based interventions in the districts. As such, a momentum has been created at the local level where both the citizens, civil society and state can work in absolute harmony to address governance and local development issues collectively. This relationship needs continuous support and technical assistance for its continuity and ability to deliver on the SDGs performance milestones promised by the State of Pakistan to international community and partners.
