5 Tips to Help You Keep Yourself Protected during Smog Season

5 Tips to Help You Keep Yourself Protected during Smog Season. Unfortunately, the smog season is here and has started to cause trouble already. Smog (smoke + fog) is becoming the fifth season of the country. The haze is expected to be visible in most parts. It begins somewhere at the start of November and continues to stay until the first rain of the winter. Air pollution kills nearly 7 million people around the world each year. It is that time of the year to start taking precautions to protect your health against the harmful effects of smog
What is Smog?
Smog is a mixture of air pollution, dust, and chemicals that can cause respiratory problems, trigger asthma attacks, and irritate the eyes, nose, and throat. The main component of smog is ground-level ozone, which is formed when emissions from cars, power plants, and other sources react in the presence of sunlight. Smog is often associated with large cities, where the concentration of pollution is highest.
For those who have been suffering from breathing problems due to smog, here are some tips on how you can keep yourself protected:
- Protect Your Respiratory System
- Wear a face mask to keep the air around you clean. It is recommended that both adults and children should wear face masks when they are outside in smoggy areas, as it will help to protect their respiratory system from the toxins found in dirty air.
- Avoid smog-filled areas as much as possible. If there is no other option, try to avoid heavy traffic or busy streets where vehicles are burning fossil fuels (such as gasoline). This can cause more emissions that contribute to creating smog levels than any other factor by itself! Even if you do find yourself stuck in a car on these days, try not driving at all; instead, take public transit or walk instead of using your vehicle for any length of time during those times when smog levels stay high throughout most parts of town.”
- Use A Face Mask
If you are going to be outdoors, it’s a good idea to wear a face or respirator mask from Mira Safety. You can get them at the pharmacy or online and they will help protect your lungs from being polluted by smog. If you have allergies, there are also many reusable masks available that help reduces those symptoms such as itchiness and runny nose.
- Eat Healthily
You need to strengthen your immune system to fight the harmful effects of smog. The healthier food you consume is less likely to get seriously affected by the dangerous weather. There are some changes you can make in your diet that can help you get through this:
- Eat healthy, whole foods.
- Avoid processed foods.
- Eat a balanced diet with plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins.
- Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated! This can help you fight off any bacteria that may be lingering in your lungs because of the smog season! It’s also important for people who suffer from asthma or other breathing issues since it helps open up their airways by increasing mucus production (the good kind).
- Drink Enough Water
Water is your best friend. It helps to flush out toxins and keep your body hydrated and healthy. It’s also a good idea to drink water before you go out in the smoggy weather; this will help reduce any breathlessness issues caused by pollution.
If you’re feeling thirsty or hungry:
- Drink an extra glass of water (or more) when you wake up in the morning so that it stays in your system all day long. If possible, try drinking throughout the day rather than waiting until after dinner when most people are done with their meals and ready for bed!
- Keep an eye on how much liquid intake each person has had during the day – if someone hasn’t been able yet because they’ve been busy working on something else then offer them some ice-cold lemonade instead (or even better yet – fresh squeezed orange juice!). This can make all those little tasks easier since no one needs extra energy afterward anyway!
- Keep an Eye on the Air Quality Index (AQI)
Smog is caused by many things: vehicles, factories, and wildfires are just some of them. The main thing you need to worry about when it comes to keeping yourself protected from these nasty particles is your air quality index (or AQI). It’s important to know how unhealthy your city will be before going outside during this season so that you can stay inside if needed or make sure everyone else does too.
An air quality index is a useful tool for understanding the current state of the atmosphere. It’s a simple system that classifies the air quality based on a scale of 1-400. The higher the number, the worse the air quality.
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The smog season is here. Smog season is a time for us to remember that we have a responsibility to protect our respiratory system and the environment. The best way to do this is by using face masks, eating healthy foods, and drinking enough water so you can be as healthy as possible. While controlling the smog might have limited options, it is easier to take care of yourself on an induvial level to say yourself and your loved ones from the harmful effects.